Reflections About Classical Adlerian Depth Psychotherapy: Theory, Practice, and Life

A vigorously optimistic and inspiring approach to prevention and treatment, Classical Adlerian Depth Psychotherapy balances the equally important needs for individual, optimal development and social contribution. With a solid foundation in the original teachings and therapeutic style of Alfred Adler, it integrates the self-actualization research of Abraham Maslow. For more information, visit our web site at http//

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Location: Bellingham, Washington, United States

Classical Adlerian psychotherapist and training analyst. Director of the Alfred Adler Institute of Northwestern Washington, offering distance training in Classical Adlerian psychotherapy. Tel: (360) 647-5670. Email:

Thursday, April 23, 2009

New Adlerian Publication: "Educating Children for Cooperation & Contribution"

"Educating Children for Cooperation & Contribution," Volume II,contains exceptional, new child guidance resources for educators,therapists, and parents: "The Work of an Adlerian Psychologist in theSchools," Enlightening Children," and "Influencing the Child," byAnthony Bruck. Bruck, who was trained by Alfred Adler, embodiedseveral central qualities of his mentor: warmth, gentleness, andcreativity. His work with children was reminiscent of Adler'sremarkable ability to make immediate contact and win a child withrespect, simple insight, and infectious optimism. Like a kindly uncle,he guided children Socratically to make their own conclusions aboutnew ways to cross the bridge from misbehavior to cooperation.
Volume II also contains three articles by Alfred Adler: "Training forCourage," "Children's Life Tests," and "The Lazy Child;" and "TheChallenge of Kindergarten," by Theodore Grubbe.
To order Volume II , or for additional information, go to
If you do not yet have Alfred Adler's seminal, child guidance texts,"Individual Psychology in the Schools," and "The Education ofChildren," you can also order "Educating Children for Cooperation &Contribution," Volume I at

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Social Inclusion and the Democratic Character

A new paper by Dr. Stein, "Social Inclusion and the Democratic Character" explores Alfred Adler’s ideal of the democratic character and the implications of this for social inclusion: for child rearing, education, and the work place. A “Levels of Functioning” chart investigates how a community of optimally functioning individuals would represent the antithesis of social exclusion. To read the paper, go to