Reflections About Classical Adlerian Depth Psychotherapy: Theory, Practice, and Life

A vigorously optimistic and inspiring approach to prevention and treatment, Classical Adlerian Depth Psychotherapy balances the equally important needs for individual, optimal development and social contribution. With a solid foundation in the original teachings and therapeutic style of Alfred Adler, it integrates the self-actualization research of Abraham Maslow. For more information, visit our web site at http//

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Location: Bellingham, Washington, United States

Classical Adlerian psychotherapist and training analyst. Director of the Alfred Adler Institute of Northwestern Washington, offering distance training in Classical Adlerian psychotherapy. Tel: (360) 647-5670. Email:

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Inequality Kills! - Adler and Economics

In their masterful and provocative new book, "The Spirit Level," epidemiologists Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett present statistical evidence of the sociallly corrosive impact of inequality. They claim that many of our widespread, chronic, social problems like: mental illness, drug abuse, infant mortality, shortened life expectancy, obesity, poor educational achievement, teenage births and pregnancies, homicides and violence, as well as high rates of imprisionment, are strongly influenced by economic, social, and psychological inequality. Although they mention Alfred Adler briefly, they emphasize the connection of real and perceived inequality of the development of trust, liberty, and fellowship. Check out their web site at